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Sitting in Silence

Updated: May 10, 2021

In our very busy lives there really isn’t many opportunities (other than when we are asleep) to sit or be in silence.

We are surrounded by noise constantly from traffic, the Radio, the TV, even in our gardens from our neighbours, a dog barking, children playing noisily and maybe even at times in our homes from people around us. We all lead very busy lives, our phones constantly beeping to remind us to look at them and, our smart watches buzzing and beeping and sometimes it can feel like there is no space to just unwind and let go of the day.

Do you ever find yourself tensing when you hear loud noises? Do you ever find noise overwhelming? Do you find that depending on your mood your tolerance levels change? Some days the noise of the TV or the beeping of the computer games may not trouble you at all, other days it may enhance your stress level.

You may not even be consciously aware of how noise is impacting your mood and emotions.

Of course, there is often comfort to be found in the hustle and bustle of daily life – our favourite song on the radio, the sound of children playing, the comforting noise of family life, the TV show in the background – even all of the above at once, however it is so important to allow your brain and nervous system some quiet time away from stimulation.

Periods of silence and meditation have many proven health and wellness benefits, some are listed below:

  • Boosted immune system – silence periods and meditation over time increases activity in the prefrontal cortex, the right anterior insula and right hippocampus – these areas are the command centre for the immune system, when stimulated they improve the function of the immune system

  • Decreased stress - lowering blood cortisol and adrenaline levels

  • Sparking creativity. Space to think can often lead to innovative ideas and solutions

  • Improved productivity. Taking a break and coming back to that task with a clear mind and focus.

  • Time to reflect on your day and process all that you have done or learnt

  • Promotes a general feeling of calm

  • Improved concentration. Removing those distractions can really reset the brain

  • Promotes self-awareness. Noticing things around you, perhaps looking at them in a slightly different way

  • Improve patience. Taking some silent reflection time increases our ability to be patient with ourselves and with others and perhaps for any daily tasks that have to be completed

Here are some simple ways to introduce periods of silence into your life:

  • Before getting out of bed in the morning set your alarm 5 minutes earlier than you need to and use the time to slowly wake up. Don’t reach for that phone or the TV remote, just enjoy some silent time to start your day

  • During the day find a quiet room and try to sit in silence focusing on your breathing, 5 or 10 minutes is perfect

  • Put some earplugs in if you are able to. This works if you are in a noisy household with lots going on. Perhaps take that shower in silence, focusing on the way the water feels on your skin

  • Find a quiet park, sit on a bench or on a mat and perhaps close your eyes if you can and just breathe in the fresh air for a few moments

  • Meditate – of course you may not need silence, but find some stillness if you can. Again, here you could pop in some ear plugs or wear some noise cancelling earphones

Many things impact the way we feel each day but it may surprise you how much better you feel if you just turn everything off for a while…

Why not take off that smartwatch place your phone on flight mode for 10 minutes a day?

Give yourself the gift of silence


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